Top Transformer Safety Guidelines You Need To Know

Have you installed a transformer in your plant? While using machines that offer high amounts of voltages, such as transformers, safety must be prioritised, adhering to safety precautions will ensure that everyone, including your visitors and employees, is protected from risks. You don't need to be an engineer or an expert in electronics to protect everyone. Having basic knowledge regarding the design, installation, and operation of transformers will go a long way.

Safety precautions for asbestos removal

Asbestos removal is an essential yet dangerous process. Prolonged exposure to asbestos can expose workers or residents to life-threatening illnesses such as mesothelioma or lung disease. It is, therefore, necessary to follow the guide below to ensure safety during and after asbestos removal: Preparation of the area Before asbestos removal, it is vital to prepare the area designated as containing asbestos materials. This includes identifying the area as a hazard zone.

What You Should Know About Asbestos Surveys

If you are involved in the construction industry, you know the significance of asbestos auditing and how it helps manage risks caused by asbestos. Large amounts of materials that contain asbestos were previously used for various construction purposes in refurbished and new buildings until asbestos was banned. However, due to that initial extensive use of asbestos, there are still many properties that contain asbestos. If the asbestos materials are in excellent condition, they are aren't likely to be disturbed, so no risks are expected.