Methods Used to Treat Rising Damp

Rising damp is the intake of moisture from the ground into the surrounding walls through the force of capillary action. Walls are typically made of bricks, mortar and plaster that contain many tiny pores. When moisture lingers around the base of walls for too long, it is bound to be sucked into the wall through these pores.

Rising damp has been shown to cause multiple damages to walls, such as discolouration, peeling and loss of stability. There are several rising damp repair methods.

Stopping the dampness

One the most common repair methods used is to identify and stop the cause of dampness. This can be done by installing a damp-proof course (DPC) within the wall. The damp-proof course is often a chemical material that is waterproof and does not contain pores that can be easily penetrated with rising water and salts.

To install the DPC effectively, a mortar course is often introduced into the wall's waterproof barrier. This enables the DPC to be evenly spread across the wall surface and to limit rising damp.

There are a variety of materials that are used to fill the mortar course within the wall itself. Damp-proofing cream is a common option. It is made of a silicone material that forms a water-repellent resin within the mortar course. Another option is to use damp-proofing rods. These rods contain a water-repelling agent that can prevent rising damp in walls. The rods are fitted at regular intervals within the mortar course.

Repairing the damage caused

Once the source of rising damp has been identified and treated, the damage that was caused to the walls can now be addressed. The first step that a contractor will carry out is to allow the wall to dry out. The introduction of DPC can cause extra moisture to be introduced into the walls. The wall can then be replastered following the treatment process. Replastering is necessary because the salts and other deposits that occurred through capillary action need to be removed from the structure.

There are two common types of plaster used to restore the look and function of the wall. An express replaster offers a convenient yet effective way of replacing the damaged layers of the existing walls. A cream is first applied to inhibit salt penetration, after which the plasterboard is installed using a moisture-resistant adhesive. This plaster allows air to penetrate easily and is also easy to decorate.

A damp-resistant plaster system is a type of plaster suited for uneven walls that require extra durability against salts and moisture. Its surface is thicker and contains added protection against mould and water vapour.
